3 Tips For Beginners To Start Making Money From Blogging Right Now

Blogging Income, Blogging Money, Make Money Blog, Making Money From Blogging, Money From Blogging

If you're just starting out as a blogger, you're probably finding making money from blogging is tougher than you were led to believe by some smooth talking internet marketing "guru". Well, the truth is, it's not as easy as most people would think, but it isn't that hard once you come to terms with the fact that there is some work involved. You certainly can't pull a bunch of content using auto blogging software and expect to rake in the money, but if you're willing to write your own original content, you can start making money from blogging right now with these 3 simple tips:

1. Tips For Beginners To Start Making Money From Blogging Right Now #1: Find A Hungry Market

Not all blogging topics were created equal, and you can be sure that writing about certain topics will stir up a lot more interest, and a lot more money making opportunities, than others. The key is to find a market that is hungry for information to solve a nagging problem or attain a hard to reach goal. Chances are that they are willing to spend money to obtain that information, and if you can write helpful recommendations to guide them in their buying decisions, you'll be able to make some solid affiliate sales right from the get go.

2. Tips For Beginners To Start Making Money From Blogging Right Now #2: Know Your "Money" Zones

There are certain areas within your blog that get a lot more attention than others, and you should place your ads there for the maximum attention and conversions. For example, it's really no good placing your ads right at the start of the article because chances are that people won't click them. Other "gurus" may tell you otherwise, but consider this: when you're reading an article, would you click on a link in the introduction or at the conclusion? Obviously you'd only click through after you've read the article, because reading the article was what you wanted to do in the first place. So place your affiliate links and AdSense blocks towards the end of your articles for the best possible results.

3. Tips For Beginners To Start Making Money From Blogging Right Now #3: Blog More!

If your blog looks empty and deserted, then you're hardly going to have any success making money from blogging, after all you haven't earned it yet! A thriving blog full of valuable posts on many relevant topics is what people love to see, because it shows them that you really do know what you're talking about. In other words, a blog with a healthy number of posts and pages increases the confidence your readers have in you and your recommendations, and actually "pre sells" your audience before they even reach your sales pages, which boosts the conversion rates when they actually get there.


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