iskandarX Society Review - The DIY Solar Water Heater Review - Is it a Worth Your Money?

A great way to conserve energy in your home is to use a solar water heater. Heating water can be one of the most expensive things your home does every month, and a passive solar water heater can pay for itself in a very short time.

A new system can cost thousands of dollars, and even that is an excellent investment.

Folks have been asking me if this manual is any good, so I decided to create a video DIY Solar Water Heater review to set the record straight.

First, the Manual is definitely the best I've seen on the subject. It isn't a scam, and you will the Course right away once you order. After reviewing nearly 20 such courses, I've concluded that most are a waste of paper but some are excellent. This one is fantastic, or else I woudn't take the time to write this.

Alright, let's take a look inside. What's Inside?

The DIY Solar Water Heater how to guide, nearly 100 pages of instructions with pictures and illustrations

BONUS #1 - Solar Power For Energy

BONUS #2 - Energy Saving Tips

BONUS #3 - Go Green and Save Some Money

BONUS #4 - Living Green

All of the bonuses are valued at $39 each, so they're actually worth more than the main Manual itself.

This Manual was put together by a guy named Tom Hayden, and the first thing he says is that the Course focuses on building a passive solar water heating system. This is easier than an active system, and will be less trouble. You can easily follow along because there are illustrations and pictures on just about every page. You don't have to know anything beforehand, everything you could possible want to know is in the Course.

What are the shortcomings?

I actually thought there was a crazy amount of information when I fist picked up this course. I like to read the whole thing at once, and I got a bit overwhelmed. I would suggest that you give it a once over first, and then go through each step as you start your project.

All you have to do is follow along, everything you could possibly need is in the Course.

Also, this is only available at this time in English. I don. But, if you speak English, then it's no big deal.

Throughout the Course, Tom walks you through pumps, construction, insulation, and all the other components of the system in plain English. The Course doesn't get too technical, so you won't get bogged down with any mumbo jumbo. This was truly designed for the average homeowner to take advantage of the sun's free energy.


While it's a lengthy read, the DIY Solar Water Heater package is the best one on the market. It's been giving nearly 5 stars by readers as well, and I've heard nothing but good things from people that have installed this system. If saving energy, lowering your bills, and doing your part for the environment sound like fun to you, I highly advise you to pick up DIY Solar Water Heater.

“You Can Easily Build Your Own Solar Water Heater and Save up to 33% Off Your Electric Bill Every Month While Helping the Environment.”


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